Why Choose Search Associates?

Advice and Guidance from our UK North & Ireland team, when you need it, throughout the job search.
Your Senior Associate will continue to be available to you, if needed, after placement at NO COST to you!
40,000 educators assisted to find jobs since 1990
750+ Top EY-Y13 member international schools in 125 countries
Thousands of job openings, with more being added daily!
Global Job Fairs around the world
No multiple application packages needed. Simply create a file, upload your documents, trigger your confidential reference requests and once ‘Active’ send a single letter of application for any job you are interested in on our database

Discover Career Opportunities

Broaden your professional experience whilst seeing the world. Our schools are internationally and academically acclaimed.

Discover a World of Adventure

With partnerships with quality international schools in 120 countries, join the network that opens the doorway to a world of adventure.

Discover Financial

Live comfortably teaching abroad and join an international school community offering strong salaries and benefits with great professional development opportunities.

Sign up to our LIVE & FREE seminar on Teaching Overseas

All you need to know about Teaching Overseas

Interested in learning about the exciting possibilities of teaching in international schools all over the world?

Join us for a LIVE & FREE online seminar on:

– Saturday 4th February 2023, 17:00 UK Time (18:00 Central Europe Time)

You are eligible if:

– You have a graduate or post graduate qualification in education

– You have 2+ years teaching experience (though we can be flexible in some specialist areas like Sciences and Maths)

Follow this link to sign up:

UK and Ireland Teachers:
Travel the World!!

Watch this video to find out more about Search Associates and meet our Senior Associate, Dominic Currer

Candidate feedback

